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SRSG Zarif Hopeful of Liberia’s Future

YPLS Africa

-As NAYMOTE Honors Political Youth Leaders

Farid Zarif, Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Mission In Liberia(UNMIL), said he was delighted with the level of participation of youth in the 2017 elections and hopeful of Liberia’s readiness to move forward both politically and in the area of development.

The UNMIL head made the assertion on Monday during the honoring program of outstanding Young Political Leadership School (YPLS) campaign Fellows of 2018, which was witnessed by Liberia’s first lady, Clar Weah, USAID Mission Director, Dr. Anthony S. Chan, and civil society actors.

NAYMOTE-Liberia bestowed the honors on several fellows of the Young Political Leadership School (YPLS) who demonstrated exemplary roles as members of their political party’s campaign team during the just ended Presidential and Legislative elections.

SRSG Zarif lauded the young political leaders for their energy and time in acquiring knowledge that helped during the just ended elections, which will continue to help them during their political journey.

“Because of your knowledge and commitment, you have the capacity to serve your country and bring the necessary change President George Weah spoke about. I am honored to recognize your role and accomplishments, especially during the elections,” Zarif said.

Eddie D. Jarwolo, Executive Director for NAYMOTE-Liberia, said after several years, his organization was able to identify that Liberia lacked leadership, especially political leadership.

Director Jarwolo indicated that the young political leadership school was established to build young political leaders that will lead Liberia in such a way that citizens will feel that they have a government.

Today, he said, “We have thirty three outstanding young political leaders from five political parties. We are honored and appreciate the work you have done for the country. We are pushing you to do more by giving you outstanding fellow awards.”

According to him, the NAYMOTE-Liberia leadership was happy that the knowledge and skills gained were really utilized during the elections.

“As we go through six years of the CDC led government, we expect you to be constructive in engaging the process. We want you to be fruitful in your various positions and productive. Again, you don’t need to work in the government before making your contributions,” he said.

“We are delighted to hear some of you named as Assistant Ministers, Special Aide to the President, and hope to hear more names coming up soon. We know through you this country will be better and there will be no blood shed again.”

He said NAYMOTE-Liberia is excited to have people who will serve the country with passion, which was demonstrated during the just ended campaign.

“We decided to honor you today because you have made our vision come to pass that in less than twenty four months, a group of young people have decided to take the might of authority at different levels,” Director Jarwolo said.

Dr. Anthony S. Chan, USAID Mission Director, also expressed gratitude to the NAYMOTE family for taking on such an initiative to build the capacity of young people, especially young political leaders.

Dr. Chan then pledged USAID’s unflinching support to NAYMOTE-Liberia and called on the honorees to put Liberia first.

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