Advancing Electoral Integrity for Political Accountability and Leadership in the MRU Region.
Venue: Country Lodge Hotel, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Timeline: March 23 - 25

It was quite a rewarding trip to Freetown, Sierra Leone. Our Participants were amazing young people from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and the Gambia. Before the start of the summit, we visited the Fourah Bay College and interacted with student leaders, the Parliament of the Republic of Sierra Leone to understand how it works, and lastly visit the Sierra Leone National Museum to learn about the Sierra Leonean civil crisis.

The Summit started on the 23rd of March under the theme: " Advancing Electoral Integrity for the Political Accountability and Leadership in the MRU Region". It was a three days event with so much education, motivation, and networking. Several high-profile individuals spoke and inspired young people from across the region. This was indeed a life-changing experience for these young people who are determined to have a paradigm shift in their various countries.