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Young Political Leadership School to start Next Monday

Finally, October 14, 2019, is Next Week Monday

Our democracy can make life better for everyone but will take a lot of work to do so.

However, when passionate people like us get together and get organized, we can make things better for everyone. Democracy works better when more good people get involved, Africa needs are a new generation of leaders and the time is now and the YPLS Africa is the beginning.

The Young Political Leadership School Africa participants are so excited about this opportunity, our exceptional speakers and facilitators appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the formation of a new generation of leaders that would transform Africa.

It is our hope that the program will challenge, inspire, motivate and spark new insights for these emerging leaders to become transformational and/or servant leaders in their generation.

This is the best and innovative way of grooming middle-level professionals into politics, governance, and helping them become transformational leaders.

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